Supertecture Friends e.V.

Become a supporting member of supertecture and join the supertecture friends e.V.! With a monthly donation you support directly the work of us and will be part of the fan crowd :)


For all belongings you can contact us as following:


Chairman: Alexander Bernhard, architectural photographer



Depute Chairman, Treasurer: Heino Gregorek



More information coming soon!


Vereinsregisternummer: VR 201312, Kaufbeuren, Germany

Tür Schindelhaus

supertecture gUG  ·  Kaisergäßchen 5  ·  87600 Kaufbeuren  ·  IBAN: DE02 4306 0967 8239 8592 00  ·  BIC: GENODEM1GLS  ·  GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG