rice concrete

Kipili Studio

function Rice-Research-Room - Storage


material In this research room made from concrete, the distinctive feature is to reduce as much cement as possible and replace it by local rice husk ash.

Unlike cement, whose production accounts for 5–8% of the total global anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, rice husk burns in a climate-neutral way. This means that there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases. In addition, this type of concrete is easier to procure and even cheaper for the local community to obtain.

The approach of this project consists of research, testing and construction. Hereby, emphasis was placed on using local materials, keeping it simple to replicate and to collaborate with local people.


location Kipili, Tanzania


status under construction


architect Annali Geiger, Korbinian Rothermel


Tür Schindelhaus

supertecture gUG  ·  Kaisergäßchen 5  ·  87600 Kaufbeuren  ·  IBAN: DE02 4306 0967 8239 8592 00  ·  BIC: GENODEM1GLS  ·  GLS Gemeinschaftsbank eG